The Considerable Benefits of Bathing

Liz William is one of two qualified registered general nurses who work at The Glaven Centre.  Her role is to oversee and facilitate care as well organise activities for those clients who attend our day care centre.  Here she gives us an insight into some of the nurses’ valuable work at the centre and how these benefit The Glaven clients.

“One of the most rewarding parts of my day at The Glaven is the provision of assisted bathing to clients. A weekly bath, with hair wash if desired, is much appreciated by clients – helping them feel clean and comfortable in a safe environment. Assisted bathing also facilitates a valuable healthcare service, enabling us to monitor our clients for any medical anomalies which we can then report to  their GPs.  We have picked up observed conditions such as the onset of anaemia and cellulitis.

 As well as the physical benefits,  there are also considerable social and mental benefits for the clients, their carers and families.  The sense of wellbeing should not be underestimated.   The real value of touch therapy that comes from a back wash, showered and dried, is immense.  The safety element of being hoisted into and out of the bath using our electric hoist helps make clients feel safe and comfortable and takes an onus off the carers and families.   Many clients have their regular bath when they spend a day at the centre.  We have seen withdrawn, introspective visitors improve immeasurably through regular social interaction, enjoying talking to other clients and benefitting from the simple act of a sociable meal with others.    I so enjoy my work at The Glaven – it is very rewarding.”

 Assisted baths at the Glaven should be booked in advance and cost £10.    
